2021 Retirement Survey Report Executive Summary

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A commitment to supporting employee financial stability and sustainability has gained momentum within many healthcare organizations. Recognizing the precariousness of employees’ financial safety nets due to the impact of COVID-19, employers have intensified their already growing focus on financial wellbeing and understand that carefully selected and communicated benefits can help the workforce plan for the unexpected.

According to Gallagher’s 2021 Retirement Survey Report – U.S. Edition, 67% of employers have either launched a formal financial wellbeing program (37%) or are considering this benefit (30%). From an industry standpoint, those that already offer financial wellbeing opportunities range from 26% in healthcare to 52% in manufacturing and 53% in financial services. Looking ahead, many employers are addressing the financial health of their workforce and how to implement a holistic financial wellbeing program that not only helps employees save and invest for retirement but also better manage their budgeting, debt management, and emergency funds.

The 2021 Retirement Survey Report benchmarking highlights how COVID-19 has altered the retirement timetable for many employees. Data was collected from 277 organizations in an online survey conducted between August and September 2020. The report provides insights into how organizations responded to the impact of COVID-19, including managing their fiduciary responsibilities, limiting fiduciary liabilities, evaluating plan design, addressing employee financial stress, and more. Looking ahead, many employers are addressing the financial health of their workforce and how to implement a holistic financial wellbeing program that not only helps employees save and invest for retirement but also better manage their budgeting, debt management, and emergency funds.

How do your current benefits offering address financial wellbeing and what resources or programs could you consider adding? Download Gallagher’s 2021 Retirement Survey Report Executive Summary to gain insights from your peers.

The Customer Experience in Health Care

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Few industries have more data about their own customers than the health care sector. Yet the divide between health care providers’ use of that data and the customer experience (CX) that results may be wider than in any other industry. The Covid-19 pandemic, however, may be accelerating a change in that paradigm.

  • Learn how providers are driving patient-centric change with:
  • Purpose-built technology platforms
  • Increased data access
  • Revised business models and policies

360 Degrees of Healthcare

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In order to deliver effective, individualized treatment, providers need to start with a comprehensive 360-degree view of every patient that includes clinical and nonclinical data, along with relevant social determinants of health.

  • Download this e-book to see how you can:
  • Connect care teams and proactively reach patients at home
  • Empower every employee to address patient needs efficiently
  • Personalize patient engagement using data insights

Why LTACHs Are Often the Right Choice for Critically Ill Patients

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Kindred Hospitals

Establishing the appropriate care delivery path for patients after a stay in the ICU or med-surg unit is essential to achieving optimal outcomes. Without the right clinical capabilities and surrounding environment in which to recover, patients may experience delays or suffer medical setbacks that impede recovery. Furthermore, unnecessary discharge delays and avoidable readmissions can increase the total cost of care. 

This whitepaper outlines the reasons why long-term acute care hospitals (LTACHs) are often the ideal treatment and recovery setting for medically complex and critically ill patients, and a cost-effective partner in healthcare networks:

  • LTACHs can provide efficient care for a growing medically complex population
  • Pulmonary expertise allows LTACHs to treat critical respiratory patients
  • Integrated rehab and acute care at LTACHs helps patients recover more quickly

2021 Healthcare Payments Insight Report

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The COVID-19 pandemic is transforming every industry, and healthcare is no exception. From telehealth to touchless check-ins and payments, keeping up with these changes is essential for providers to deliver safe, exceptional care.

To help healthcare organizations understand this evolving landscape and improve the patient financial experience, Elavon conducted a survey of U.S. healthcare consumers. In February 2021, a survey was deployed to over 1,000 consumers for insight on their preferences, behaviors and expectations around receiving and paying for care.

In downloading this report, you will discover key findings regarding:

  • The impact of COVID on the overall patient experience
  • Payment experience and expectations
  • Opportunities for improvement and innovation

And more!

10 Steps to Optimize Hospital Operations

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Kindred Rehabilitation

With greater emphasis being placed on care transitions and readmission rates, inpatient rehabilitation units are looking for ways to enhance patient access and maximize hospital performance. Read this guide to discover 10 steps to facility success.
