More than 40 chief financial officers, invited by HealthLeaders Media, meet to discuss their healthcare organizations' concerns and strategies to address industry developments.
This article appears in the October 2014 issue of HealthLeaders magazine.
More than 40 financial leaders from provider organizations across the country gathered in August at the Grand Del Mar in San Diego for the HealthLeaders Media CFO Exchange. Now in its fourth year, the CFO Exchange exemplifies HealthLeaders Media's peer-driven approach for solving problems and sharing solutions.
As in previous years, attendees helped shape the event agenda. Three big-picture discussion topics emerged from advance discussions and surveys.
The bottom line
As financial pressures mount for health systems and hospitals, financial leaders seek ways to protect the bottom line with new strategies for making meaningful, sustainable cost reductions and for keeping pace with a quickly evolving industry. This challenge has become more difficult for many organizations in 2014, as patient volumes have declined and reimbursements ratcheted tighter. Financial leaders are looking for cuts high and low: Almost all CFO Exchange attendees say their organizations are redesigning clinical protocols to reduce overutilization of expensive resources, and all of them expect to cut supply chain costs over the next three years.
Edward Prewitt is the Editorial Director of HealthLeaders Media.