Commentary: Piloting the Basics
To ease the potential for surgical error, the University of Washington Medical Center is participating in a checklist pilot program that will ultimately improve patients' safety during surgery. +
Maureen Larkin, for HealthLeaders Media
July 24, 2008
Magazine: The Hospital of the Future
Sure, your organization offers sophisticated, compassionate care. But the patients of tomorrow will want much more than that. Here's how some hospitals are creating facilities for a new vision of healthcare. +
Molly Rowe, for HealthLeaders Magazine
July 2008
Commentary: CMS: We Pay Dead People
As much as $90 million was paid to fraudulent billers who used dead doctors' ID numbers between 2000 and 2007, adding to the nearly $400 billion CMS pays to hospitals, doctors, and other healthcare providers each year. +
HealthLeaders Media
July 21, 2008