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Healthcare C-Suite Must Evolve for Technological Shift

Analysis  |  By Eric Wicklund  
   October 23, 2023

Who is really in charge of tech in the C-suite? HealthLeaders takes a deep dive into the changing role of leadership and decision-making in the quest for digital transformation.

The integration of technology in healthcare—and its emphasis on forming the health system of the future—is forcing the C-suite to figure out which leaders should own decisions around digital transformation. And that’s not a bad thing.

Some health systems have created new positions to take the pressure off chief information officers, such as chief innovation officer, chief transformation officer, and chief technology officer, to handle tasks from data interoperability to digital health. But no matter what the title is, the person holding that position is becoming more important to hospital operations and management.

HealthLeaders Senior Editor and Associate Content Manager Eric Wicklund explores this shift in his white paper, “Decision-Maker or Chief Extra Officer? Next?” Read how health systems are handling technology management and defining the channels between departments to facilitate collaboration, so that other leaders like the CEO, CNO, CMO, and—especially in this economy—the CFO have insight into the technology process and can play a part in decision-making. With this structure in place, health systems are better equipped to move forward and embrace new ideas and tools.

The topic is crucial to all healthcare organizations. As technology becomes more integral to healthcare delivery, leadership must understand its value and ensure that decisions and strategies are coordinated by the right people. And those roles must be filled by key executives who understand both the technical and the clinical aspects of healthcare.

Download the free white paper now!

Eric Wicklund is the associate content manager and senior editor for Innovation at HealthLeaders.

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