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HL Shorts: How Do Health Systems Set Up a Reviewing Committee to Oversee AI Strategy?

Analysis  |  By Eric Wicklund  
   February 02, 2024

Healthcare organizations that embrace AI need to first decide who is in charge.

On this week's episode of HL Shorts, we hear from Jason Hill, Innovation Officer at Ochsner Health, one of our expert panelists during the recent HealthLeaders AI NOW Virtual Summit. In the session "Plotting an AI Strategy: Who Sits at the Table?," Hill explains the three types of AI now being used in healthcare—and why each type of technology requires a different type of governance.

Click here to view the full session. 

Eric Wicklund is the associate content manager and senior editor for Innovation at HealthLeaders.


Healthcare organizations need to plan their AI strategy carefully, putting thought into who within the organization should be part of a governance committee.

Different forms of AI technology used within the health system require oversight from different experts, ranging from clinicians and nurses to those in finance, rev cycle, legal, and IT departments.

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