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Infographic: Workplace Violence Prevention with Tech

Analysis  |  By G Hatfield  
   January 04, 2024

Violence is on the rise, but so is technology that can turn the tide, as long as those on the frontlines lead the way. 

It’s a sobering reality across healthcare: Workplace violence is on the rise.

And nurses, who are at the heart of care, are at especially high risk. In a 2022 National Nurses United survey, nearly half of hospital-based respondents reported an increase in workplace violence, a 57% increase from the rate reported in their previous survey in late 2021.

Here's what you need to know about how technology can help prevent workplace violence. 

For more information, check out the full article here

G Hatfield is the nursing editor for HealthLeaders.


Nursing focused-tech can help stem the rising tide of workplace violence. 

Using AI and new technology can help streamline processes and diagnose patients faster. 

Technology can be used to automate things like incident reporting, admission, and discharge processes. 

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