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The Future of Workforce is Here: 2 Ways CEOs Are Rethinking it

Analysis  |  By Jay Asser  
   May 22, 2024

Top hospital leaders have little choice but to strategize for a changing landscape.

When it comes to hospital CEOs’ top concerns, workforce remains king.

The challenges with keeping the backbone of organizations strong continue to pile up, forcing leaders to reconsider how to appeal to the wants and needs of their nurses and physicians.

Reimagining workforce solutions was the topic of conversation on the first day of the HealthLeaders CEO Exchange, where dozens of hospital decision-makers gathered in Kohler, Wisconsin, to hear and learn from their peers.

Improving the experience

Recruiting and retaining talent is far from easy in an uber-competitive environment, but it’s not reductive to say that it comes down to understanding what workers are seeking from their experience.

That preferred experience is also changing over time as newer generations put greater value on work-life balance, often putting it ahead of compensation. Whether it’s physicians or nurses, CEOs must consider how to give more time back to their staff so they can use it outside of the workplace, potentially reducing burnout and turnover.

Leaders should also be aware of how they’re training and developing their managers to oversee the workforce. Placing an emphasis on relationships enables more connection for staff amongst themselves and with management, cultivating a culture that workers want to be part of.

A happier, more fulfilled physician or nurse is less likely to walk out the door, which ultimately saves on the bottom line.

Pictured: Top hospital leaders are currently meeting at the CEO Exchange to talk workforce and more.

Leaning on tech

Reducing the workload on staff is easier said than done, but this is where investments in technology can pay off in a big way.

Generative AI has proven to cut down on the time physicians put towards completing administrative tasks, such as documentation or responding to patient emails.

Many of the CEOs in attendance also reported either already implementing virtual nursing or having plans to roll it out, illustrating that leaders have had to pursue innovative solutions in a post-COVID world.

As hospitals continue to learn the best ways to utilize technology on the patient side, there’s plenty of low-hanging fruit in terms of its benefits within the workforce. Considering the impacts on recruitment and retention efforts, those benefits are no longer luxuries but rather must-haves.

Stay tuned for more coverage of the Exchange as the CEOs continue to drill down on solutions and strategies in the remainder of the event.

Our Spring 2024 CEO Exchange is happening now at The American Club in Kohler, Wisconsin.

Are you a CEO or executive leader interested in attending an upcoming event? To inquire about attending the HealthLeaders Exchange event, email us at

The HealthLeaders Exchange is an executive community for sharing ideas, solutions, and insights. Please join the community at our LinkedIn page.

Jay Asser is the contributing editor for strategy at HealthLeaders. 


The HealthLeaders CEO Exchange is under way where top hospital and health system execs are sharing strategies for their biggest pain points.

Day one featured discussion on the building and maintaining a sustainable workforce, including technology’s role.

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