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Revisit Revenue Cycle Staffing Challenges

Analysis  |  By Amanda Norris  
   July 29, 2022

Reread some of our top stories pertaining to revenue cycle staffing challenges including a story on solutions that leaders have implemented at their own organizations.

Rev Cycle Workforce Challenges Examined at HealthLeaders Exchange

Remote work poses challenges, and revenue cycle leaders shared some of the solutions they've implemented at their own organizations to improve the remote work experience for everyone involved.

Here are some of the challenges and solutions to managing a remote or hybrid workforce that leaders were busy examining.

Revenue Cycle Departments Need Significant Staffing

Workforce shortages have been a major challenge for healthcare leaders of late and revenue cycle in particular is in serious need of staffing.

More than 57% of health systems and hospitals have more than 100 open roles to fill, with one in four finance leaders needing to hire more than 20-plus employees to fully staff their revenue cycle departments.

Change Your Rev Cycle Management Style for Remote Staff

At a recent HealthLeaders Revenue Cycle Virtual Exchange, industry leaders gave insight on how management styles have changed since more staff is now remote.

Poor EHR Experience Linked to Higher Clinician Turnover

EHR satisfaction plays a significant role in clinicians' decision to continue at their organization, according to a report by KLAS.

Based on 59,000 clinicians surveyed, the research found that providers who are very dissatisfied with their organization's EHR are nearly three times more likely to leave in the next two years compared to those who are very satisfied with the EHR.


Amanda Norris is the Director of Content for HealthLeaders.

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