Finding a Faster Path to Value-Based Care

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Quest Quanum

New Study of Physicians and Health Plan Executives

The U.S. healthcare system is progressing along a continuum from volume- to value-based care models where physicians and health systems aren’t simply compensated for doing more, but instead for delivering higher-quality care at a better value. The transition hasn’t been easy, however, and much has been written about new burdens placed upon health plans, hospitals, ACOs and physicians.

This study reveals that the complexity of quality measures and physicians’ lack of access to patient data at the point of care are barriers to the healthcare industry’s adoption of value-based care.

State of Software Security

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Is the healthcare industry’s underlying DNA holding it back in terms of security?

In the security arena, healthcare is struggling. As compared to its industry peers, healthcare now has the lowest vulnerability fix rate, the second-lowest OWASP pass rate, and the highest prevalence of cryptographic and credentials management issues.

These statistics were uncovered in our most recent Veracode annual State of Software Security report, which provides an overall status on security issues and threats across industries. Healthcare is one of our focus areas, and here’s what we found:

  • Healthcare ranks lowest on fix rates; only 34% of vulnerabilities were fixed the first time
  • 67% of applications failed first-time scans based on OWASP policy compliance pass rates
  • The top 3 vulnerability categories for the healthcare industry were cryptographic issues, information leakage, and code quality

Given the concern for sensitive patient data under HIPAA regulations, these types of data-endangering vulnerabilities are especially troubling. So, how do you prioritize security for your patient information? And, how does your organization compare with its industry peers?

Download the State of Software Security report today. You’ll find helpful, in-depth information specific to the healthcare industry on a number of key security issues.

The Future of Healthcare is Cognitive

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The healthcare industry is in a period of historic challenge and opportunity. Organizations that serve and compete — whether payer, provider, pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer—will need to tap into the data that can help them navigate this period of disruption and redefine their relevancy, strengths and roles they will play for the future. With the increasing digitization of the world, cognitive systems can help organizations unlock new opportunities and insights never before contemplated.

IBM’s privacy policy (

Where to Begin: First Steps to Physician Engagement and Leadership

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Based on best practices from leading healthcare providers, this white paper provides a practical step-by-step guide to begin the process of engaging physicians and developing the leadership skills they need to improve the patient experience and health outcomes.

What's Next for U.S. Healthcare Under Trump?

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L.E.K. Consulting

Many experts are already making predictions about healthcare under Trump. Yet they are notably long on speculation and short on evidence. Rather than delve into premature detailed predictions, we recommend a more thoughtful approach.

Right now, there are simply more unknowns than knowns. For example, how much of the GOP healthcare agenda will the Trump administration adopt? What will be the openness to traditionally powerful lobbying groups, such as the AHA, AMA, AHIP and Big Pharma? Most important, what will be the focus and cadence of change efforts to come?

In this Executive Insights, “What’s Next for U.S. Healthcare Under Trump,” L.E.K.’s Kevin Grabenstatter, Wiley Bell and Andrew Kadar will:

  • Briefly evaluate the current state of play as Trump assumes presidency.
  • Ask some key questions during a time of uncertainty.
  • Discuss a framework for monitoring and interpreting possible executive and legislative actions as the path ahead comes into focus over the coming months.
  • Share outcomes of six “fault line” issues that we believe will determine the shape of healthcare reform moving forward.

Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Clinical Documentation On Your Revenue Stream

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Healthcare providers should be tackling inpatient revenue from multiple fronts if they want to survive the evolution of payment reform, according to a survey of the HealthLeaders Media Council conducted in August 2016 by Healthleaders Media and sponsored by Enjoin. The survey found that there is not a simple tactic that every provider can focus on to improve revenue.

Instead providers will need to dedicate resources to increasing case-mix index, improving the discharge disposition code accuracy, reducing readmission denials, and improving quality metrics to reduce penalties.

Download the full report today to find out what steps organizations are taking to stay ahead of the curve.
