10 Best Practices For Remodeling Radiology

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Sheridan Healthcare

Today’s patients, payers and regulators expect healthcare providers to deliver the highest quality care in a cost-effective and timely manner. To support quality improvement efforts in the field of radiology, professional associations and credentialing bodies such as the American College of Radiology and the American Board of Radiology, respectively, have drawn up a number of clinical guidelines, revised technical standards and have established new certification criteria. To date, however, there is no established set of standard best practices that hospitals can use to gauge the quality of their radiology services. Without such standards, it is nearly impossible for hospitals to pinpoint the strengths and weakness of their radiology service, set clinical relevant performance targets and track the progress of quality improvement efforts.

Based on extensive research of industry benchmarks and standards, this eBook outlines ten best practices in radiology across three broad categories encompassing practice quality: expertise, communication and leadership.


Marketing Automation Powers Ongoing Engagment

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Serving the community of Detroit, Michigan, and its suburbs, Henry Ford Health System has long focused on putting patients first. So the marketing team at Henry Ford needed to ensure consumers and patients knew about the broad array of services the system provides for health and wellness, in addition to its hospital-based services. Today’s healthcare consumer expects convenience and on-demand information, and Henry Ford needed to find a way to meet the consumer where they were, without adding more resources.

Download this complimentary white paper to learn more!

The Pace of Change in Healthcare and Its Impact on Your Digital Marketing

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What should you do when your market undergoes major change or you adopt a bold new strategy? That’s the question facing many healthcare marketers as they draft strategic marketing plans, develop budgets and assess their human resources to get the work done.

Download this complimentary white paper to learn more!

Will Consumerism Rein in Healthcare Costs? Why the Answer Is No

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U.S. healthcare is nearly twice as expensive per person as it is for other developed countries – and the treatment outcomes are worse. In 1960, total healthcare cost per person was $146. Today, it’s close to $10,000. And according to a recent Commonwealth Fund Report on healthcare systems, the U.S. ranked last overall among the richest 11 nations on measures of health outcomes, quality and efficiency.

Additionally, employers in the U.S. spend three times more per employee for healthcare than in other wealthy countries. And the employee’s share of this cost burden has gone up too. On the surface, a consumer-driven healthcare system sounds like a feasible way to lower costs.

After all, consumers who are more focused on their health, more concerned about costs and generally better informed should spur greater competition, better choices among insurance plans and ultimately increased affordability. But it just won’t work.

In this Executive Insights, L.E.K.’s Wiley Bell and Kevin Grabenstatter get down to the root causes of why consumerism in healthcare will fall short. Key highlights in the report include:

  • Total healthcare costs in large U.S. metro areas and drivers of excess price and overutilization
  • Employer and employee coverage cost, both of which are steadily increasing
  • Six fundamental aspects of U.S. employer-based healthcare that prevent an empowered consumer from reining in costs
  • Four scenarios that would bring the U.S. employer healthcare market more in line with those of most other industrialized countries

A Hospital Marketer's Guide to Aligning Digital & Traditional Marketing

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Over the last decade, consumer behavior has shifted. Even though traditional marketing tactics still work, hospital marketers must develop a multi-channel approach to reach patients.

Download the free guide to learn how to successfully integrate and optimize traditional and digital marketing, and make more efficient use of social platforms. The guide also addresses:

  • The shift in consumer’s trust
  • How to engage patients with multi-channel marketing
  • Opportunities and challenges of digital marketing
  • The role of social media in your marketing
  • Ten Steps to Success

Authorization Playing Catch Up With Technology

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RelayHealth Financial

According to a June 2016 survey completed by the HealthLeaders Media Council, pre-authorization is a consistent pain point that impacts leaders from the C-Suite to operations and billing. For as much as healthcare has been transformed by technology, there are still areas where it seems to be a game of catch up—such as obtaining pre-service authorization. While patients are becoming more involved in their own care, providers are increasingly incentivized to secure authorization from payers before procedures are performed to increase their likelihood of receiving payment.

Download this Custom Research Brief to discover:

  • The top pre-service authorization pain points
  • Comments and insights from Health First Director of Revenue Operations and Patient Access, Michelle Fox
  • Tips to improve authorization and move to more streamlined solutions
